Sunday, March 30, 2008

Finishing the Basement

Future Family Room

Future Spare Bedroom



We were bursting at the seams here at our house so we've taken the leap and we're partially finishing the basement!!! Woo Hoo!!!
With the baby coming and me working at home most of the time it's not going to work very well having my office and Ty's room in the same room. So we are adding on an office/family room and an extra bedroom downstairs. It's a total of 462 extra square footage and that is music to my ears! We need the space!!!
The bathroom is all wired and ready to go but we'll wait until the fall/winter to finish that. Bathrooms are expensive!!!!
So anyway, we hope this will be done in the next few weeks.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Small Talk

Another Question:

What is the year, make, model and color of your dream car?
My answer:
A brand new black Range Rover with tan leather interior!

Friday, March 14, 2008

"You and Me Both Kid!!"

So as I sit here all alone with nothing to do (Greg is in Huntington and Tanner is at a movie with Denver) this picture just really says how I feel right now... Funny how you can think of a million things to do if you just didn't have to worry about anyone else but the second the people you worry about are gone, you really have nothing to do! Irony is a funny, funny thing.

Thanks Nicole and Lacey for making our blog page so fancy!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tanner's Running for Class Senator

Tanner is in 5th grade this year and they're learning about government so they're campaigning and all that fun stuff. Tanner has been nominated and is running for Senator. This is the picture he's putting on his poster and his slogan is "Vote for Tanner and all your wildest dreams will come true!" I told him he should put a mustache on himself so he looks like Pedro! Tanner is one funny guy!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Small Talk

So at my mom's house (by the way, I always call it my mom's house...why is that? My dad lives there too???) there is this box of cards and they're called Conversation Starters or something like that. It asks all these random but interesting questions that you'd honestly want to know about a person. So every now and then I think I'm going to post a question and people can answer. Most people who check out my blog know eachother anyway so I think it's a fun way to get to know people a little better....Why not, right?
So here's a question.....

"If you had to live one day of your life over and over again, what day would it be?"