Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ty has a tooth!!!!!

Grandma Shauna noticed Ty has a tooth! I didn't even notice...He's such a good little guy and he hasn't been crying or anything. It's his bottom right tooth and it looks like the left one is on it's way. If my camera wasn't broken and at the repair shop I would take a picture of it, but what can you do? I want to be able to tell him when he was older when he got his first tooth and this is the only way I'll remember it.


Anonymous said...

Whaaat!! you have got to be kidding me!! well at least your not nursing him.. ha ha!

wendy said...

Wow! He is advanced for his age in every way..

Reeses Pieces said...

I agree with Angela, that would hurt! Funny. Good thing he's being a good little guy since you have a busy weekend ahead of you. Wish I was there to help.

KATE said...

Holy Crap Alyson, Brooke is barely getting teeth Now! He is quite the over achiever!

I just love him! Thanks for letting me play with him the other day! He's my favorite!!